Podcast #97 aus dem Podcastcafe
Heute, aus gegebenem Anlass, mit Künstlern ausschliesslich von Garageband.com:
1. Just Off Turner - The Long Walk Back
2. Ed Williams - Might As Well Rain
3. Gypsies watching TV - Another Day
4. Delilah Why - Undercover
5. Caitlin Evanson - Saying That I Love You
6. Bill Carroll - Sister Miracle
7. Slim Fellows - I'm So Glad
8. Kenny Quest - sweet sound of nothing
9. Kelsey Wheadon - here i remain
Direkter Link zum Podcast: hier entlang oder online anhören.
Just off Turner
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Ed Williams
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Gypsies watching TV
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Delilah Why
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Caitlin Evanson
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Bill Carroll
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Slim Fellows
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Kenny Quest
Home - MySpace - Garageband
Kelsey Wheadon
Home - MySpace - Garageband
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